
Sunday, 28 October 2012

Dusty blog and help needed.

Hi Everyone,

i am thinking of going back into blogging now that my babygirl is almost 20months old. She can play on her own at times but do still wants me to be around her while she plays. So i was thinking, hmm, maybe i can make use of my time in doing this again. However i do need a little help from you guys. Since i did not do any blogging for probably more than a year ago, i would appreciate if y'all can reccommend me a good basic camera that can do pretty much basic things to produce good pictures for my blog. I do have a small budget though as im a Stay at home Mum (SAHM).

Also what do you guys think i should do or blog in order to get back in the swing of blogging? Any reccomendation from mummy bloggers out there? However, i may not being doing alot of things yet as i do not have a camera to take photos accept my iphone camera which could be of a task to me to sync photos with my laptop. I hope to hear reccommendations/suggestions/feedbacks/comments from y'all!


In the meantime, here is a pic of me and my lovely little girl..! She loves the camera!

Thanks for reading and thank you in advance for your help!


Ida Erin